While installing PHPList on a GoDaddy server for a client of mine, I was frustrated to receive an ‘Internal Server Error’ / ‘500 Error’. Following the directions at this post fixed it easy enough. You just need to delete the following line form your .htaccess file in your PHPList install directory: php_flag magic_quotes_gpc on
Category Archives: Tech
Mounting a partition from a hard drive image
Some times use after recovering an entire hard drive image, you may want to mount a partition that was on that disk, instead of apply it to another drive. In those times, you can use the following commands: First, you will want to find out where the partition starts: sfdisk -l -uS image_file.dd The -uS […]
I just installed Drivel, which seems to be a pretty nice Linux application to post entries to your blog right from your desktop. It supports a few different blogging technologies, including WordPress, Drupal, blogger.com, and livejournal. I’m hoping having this around will reduce the amount of effort in making a blog post, and hence will […]