
After typing out a good three paragraph post, my phone decided to randomly reboot (something that’s been happening a lot since I applied the firmware upgrade ix the voice mail issue).

I’m just going to leave the mileage info and hopefully post the stories later.

Two days ago: 40.7 miles.
Yesterday: 61.5 miles.

Today’s goal: I was hoping to get out of NY today but I might just try to get really close to the boarder instead, maybe to a campground in Otisville.

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1 Comment

  1. Sound like you are having a great time. I went to see Mimi after school then Nancy B and I came to school from 7-10 pm to work on our course. We have worked 3+ hours today. We are now going on lesson 4 out of 4 plus a project. Not to bad but long. Missy worked last night at Burlington and loved it. She is working there 3 days this week and will probally work both places all summer. Take care. Love you.

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