For FireFox fans who hate PDFs

All too often I’ll be clicking my way through a website when all of a sudden I find myself hung, waiting for Adobe Acrobat Reader to load because I clicked on a link that I did not realize was for a PDF file. To make matters worse, now that this is loaded inside of FireFox, if I should happen to close the window and all of the tabs in it, I often find myself having to kill Acrobat manually (this is when I’m using windows of course. <3 ImageViewer). Well, thanks to cortana‘s comment on slashdot, here’s the solution you’ve all been waiting for. Just add the following to your userContent.css file to add [pdf] to the end of any link pointing to a pdf file.

a[href$=”.pdf”]:after {
font-size: smaller;
content: ” [pdf]”;

Also from the same comment was the following to add [new] to any link that will open in a new window.

:link[target=”_blank”]:after, :visited[target=”_blank”]:after,
:link[target=”_new”]:after, :visited[target=”_new”]:after
font-size: smaller;
content: ” [new]”;

…and [js] (edited from [shite]) to any link with javascript in it.

font-size: smaller;
content: ” [shite]”;

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