Hey everyone. Vietnam was great. I’ve written a bunch of posts, or at leasts notes, on my laptop, but haven’t had a chance to upload any of it, but they’ll be coming sometime!
Quick status update. From Hanoi we took a sleeper bus to Hue and rented motor bikes there to explore around for a day. Then we took a 3 hour sitting bus to Hoi an, which we didn’t like the looks of at first. I would have liked to see My Son temple near there, but we’ve been seeing so many, and were short on time so we moved on after grabbing lunch there. The sleeper bus got into Nha Trang around 6 the next morning, where we walked around, saw another temple, and got burned on the beach. The next day we went scuba diving in a coral reef which was truely incredible… too much to describe here…
From Nha Tran, we got another sleeper bus to Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) / Siagon, where we and Jason split up. I took the first bus to the port I needed to be at to get to Phu Quoc Island, where my friend Thanh was, while J checked out the Chu Chi Tunnels. It turned out he was able to get a night bus to meet up with me that night at 2:30 so we could arrive on the island together, which we didn’t think was possible in the morning, so that worked out well.
We then spent 2 days on the island down the street from where Thanh grew up till he was 7 at his uncle’s place. We ate a ton of foods I don’t want to even think about right now, fresh fruits (they lived on a fruit farm), relaxed, went out in their fishing boat to collect dinner, and just hung out in general. It was great!
After that we left on a 3 hour old boar ride to a small port in Vietnam near a new boarder into Cambodia. We were one of 4 travelers on it. The other two were two girls Bre from Canada, and Kim from Holland, who we’ve been hanging out with since. We took moto-bikes and a taxi up to Phnum Penh. We pretty much just spent a night there, and moved on to Siemreab where we spent 2 days looking at the temples of Angkor Wat, which were awesome. J got sick both these days, and is considering going home, but got out of the hotel room and ate a late lunch with us today, so hopefully he’ll turn around and keep going. I really think he might be a bit tired tomorrow but after that he should be back on track.
Tomorrow we’re, or at least I’m off to Bangkok to meet up with Judy. J might stay behind a day to see what he can of Angkor (which really makes me think that he’ll decide to stay on for the rest of the trip), but is still undecided. From there, we don’t have too many definite plans in Thialand as of yet, but we’ll work that out when we get there!