Someone forwarded me a slashdot article with a link to an IBM article on how to design an application for the OLPC. I haven’t gone to far into it, but it has goes into how to set up QEMU (at least in the simple case), why python was a good language for OLPC to have […]
Category Archives: Linux
Making a bigger Harddrive
While using the OLPC under QEMU, I immediately started installing a bunch of development tools into the image. This quickly filled up the 1GB image, and so I wanted increase the size of it. Originally I tried to dd some space onto the end of it and use parted to expand the image but it […]
One Laptop Per Child
Many of you have probably heard of the One Laptop Per Child [] Program or seen their recent commercials for their GiveOneGetOne program on mainstream TV. Well I bit the bullet and decided to get one of these. Costing $425 (which covers the cost of 2 laptops and shipping to myself), I think its going […]