(Picture from left to righ: Racheal, Zack, Chris, Ester)
Yesterday I went to Universal Studio’s. Jackie’s husband, Ken, works there part time as Jake from the Blues Brothers, so he was able to hook me up with a free ticket, which was awesome.
It took a while to get there since it was about 30 miles away, but its actually really good foe me to have really easy 2-hour rides like that to kind of stay in shape on this week off.
I ended up getting there around noon after getting kind of a late start and taking forever at the grocery store on the way there. I had a ticket good for both parks but there looked like there was so much to do that I could spend atleast two days there so I decided to focus on the main movie park, and leave the roller coaster park for another day.
The first ride I went on was the Terminator, which had some really good 3-D effects, but was totally cheesy.
“Let’s bust a move.” -Arnold
While in line for that ride, I saw a kid in a Converge shirt, so I started up a conversation with him. It turn out he was there for his wife, Ester’s, birthday with his sister and her husband, Rachel and Zack. They ended up being really cool people so I ended up hanging out with them for the rest of the day.
It worked out really well. They wanted to go on pretty much all the same rides I wanted to go on, and so it was good to have company, and people to talk to. Its easy for me to talk to people, and the bike trip makes a great ice breaker, but it gets tiring telling the same story over and over, so it was cool to have people to talk about music, bridge jumping, and othe things with.
At around 7 o’clock, we had pretty much finished all of the big rides in that park and were going to go over to the other park, when Jackie called. The birthday party there were at had just let out and they were in the area so she wanted to know if I wanted a ride back to her house. I had to leave about then anyways in order to get back before dark, so I fladly took them up on the offer.
Before leaving though, I traded my Complementary pass for Zack’s normal pass which could be upgraded. I upgraded it to a two day pass for $48, which got me a third day for free. That averages out to be $16 a day which I’d say is a lot better than the normal $60 gate price. The only hitch with swaping tickets is that Zack had to get his hand stamped on the way out to get into the other park. I told them this earier in the day, and again before we switched tickets, but there was some down time between then and when they left the park, so I really hope that it worked out for them. I was planning on giving them my cell phone number to call me if there were any problems, but didn’t end up doing that, so I really hoped it all worked out for them.
Anyways, I have a pass now for two more days and light’s burning so I’m going to head out again and hit up these parks some more.