Well it was definitely an exciting weekend to say the least. It all started out on Wednesday by going to Boston to get my Wawa Ice Tea and hang out with Amanda and Paige. Thursday night was the Frappe party, which was great. I might put the second one slightly above this one (the third), but it was still an awesome time up until 11:30 pm when our landlord showed up and shut it down. There was really no need for this as the party was totally in control, and no one was obscenely drunk (very few were even drunk at all), but its his house and he was really nice about it so we complied. Oddly enough, Friday and Saturday night were the chill nights of the weekend. But of course we were back at it Sunday night with the Super Bowl Party at Jim’s. We had 250 wings, 8 large and 8 small pizzas in addition to all of the normal chips and other sides. None of us were all that interested in the game, so our attentions quickly fell, especially due to the lack luster game. But it was still a fun night filled with unplugged slaughtering of 90’s pop-rock songs and couch dives.
Pictures (courtesy of Paige) of both the Frappe Night and the Super Bowl Party are both in the Gallery