daVid was back in town so of course it was time for a BBQ. Things started off pretty low key: just some good food with good people. Then come 9 o’clock ‘Surfin’ Bird’ by The Trashmen came on the stereo. Next thing I know its 3am, there’s a shirtless dude around every corner, the house is demolished, my room is torn apart, there are no springs left in my bed, the couch is upside down, the floor is shaped like a 1/2 pipe, there are about 20 socks hanging on just about anything you could imagine in my room. The night started to simmer down and we watched the Girl Next Door. Its just after 5am now and its time to go to sleep, but my bed feels ohh so lonely with out 5 other people in it.
You could say it was a pretty decent night.
Pictures never do nights like these justice.
G’night kidos