Dropbox is a great application I found out about a few months back. You create an account and install a service on a number of computers that you use, and it creates a folder that will stay in sync across all of them. The best part about this is that if any computer isn’t on, when it wakes up, it goes out and checks what it’s missed, and syncs back up, and its FAST.
There is also a sharing section, where you can share a portion of your account with another user, and let them upload and delete files. It combines your usable space for this areas, so on group projects it gets quick first. Ohh and did I mention it has its own built in file versioning system?
There’s also a special folder for Photos that will automatically generate an online picture album of any pictures / folders placed into here. Of all the features, while I like some of the other ones a whole lot more, I use this one the most. Its great when working on web sites with clients and being able to save screen shots directly to this folder and show them what I’m seeing.
When I first found out about Dropbox, I was so excited about it, I went on a big kick about how everyone should be using it, but after time this excitement died down. Well now, Dropbox is giving away an extra 256MB of storage space (up to 3GB) (on top of the 2GB you get just for signing up) for every user you refer to the site, and so I’m back at it. Check it out: https://www.getdropbox.com/referrals/NTM0OTg4Njk!