LA Update

So I’ve been in LA for a little over a month now and figured it was time for an update on how things have been going.

The first week was pretty much tied up with Gosslin, a holiday my friends here made up about 6 years ago. Celebrated at the end of January every year, there are 17 points that must be completed during the night. This year a few of them were: Martina has to sneak in (which he did), Jess had to lead everyone in a song of dance, the Ramones were the only band listened to, Bowser and Banshe got married, and Noah had a Translyvanian BBQ.

During all of that, me and Noah also got a dog, Girl. She was found under a car in Eagle Rock a few months ago when this really nice lady took her in. She took care of her for a few months until we heard about her through a friend of a friend of a friend of Noah’s boss… or something like that. Since we’ve got her we’ve gotten her spayed, dealt with her with a cone on her head for a week, and I started taking her on runs.

As for work, I’ve started giving the freelance thing a try. Mostly doing websites. Its slow getting work, but looks some what promising. I think I’m also going to put my skills from EMC to work and start doing some Hard Drive Data recovery. Dave’s Mac hard drive went last week (due to some nasty file system corruption that DiskUtility couldn’t fix), and I was able to get everything back for him, so I figured I’d see if I couldn’t make some money there.

I’ve also started officially training for the LA Marathon. This will be my first time training with an official schedule, instead of just running as I see fit. I didn’t look around too too much, but decided to go with Hal Higdon’s Intermediate 1 Training Schedule. It’s an 18 week program, but the race is only 15 away, so I’m going to start at Week 1 and skip one week of the schedule until I’m on track. Given I finished Boston in 3:53, with my haphazard training for 6 weeks, I think I’ll be ok with this.

Enough side tracking for now. Back to work!

Web frameworks and SQLite frustrations

This weekend I started doing some web work for a client who wanted to be able to add and remove some content to their site with out having to know any html. Easy!

I wanted to take this as an opportunity to try out a few different web frameworks to see which I like the most and which I wanted to learn more. The first two I looked at were django and CodeIgniter.

After running through the tutorial for django, I was totally sold! Everything about it seemed amazing and worked like a charm! But when I tried to load it up on my 1&1 account, it was a no go situation. django is a Python package that has to be installed by a privileged user. There are other hosts out there at comparable prices that have django pre-installed, but they do not offer the amount of space that 1&1 does (which I use to back up my personal files). Also, a lot of the work that I do is adding functionality to already existing sites, where I have no input into where the site is hosted, and so again, it doesn’t look like django will work for me.

Next up was CodeIgniter, and while its not quite as impressive as django (I actually had to create a database table myself… *sarcastic sigh*), it seems like it will do the job.

Next up, time to work on this site. One problem. I don’t have any cPannel type login information or know any credentials for a database I can use… No worries though: sqlite to the rescue!

I setup CodeIgniter to work and all is looking great. I created some sample data with the command line sqlite interface and Select statements are working perfectly. I’m not pretty far into this project, too far to back out now. The client side of things are all done, and I’m now working on the admin interface. Time to setup some DELETE and INSERT queries.

“Unable to open database…”. WHAT? What do you mean unable to open database? If i changed any of these queries to a SELECT, they work fine, so its obviously able to open it. I chmod the file to 777, still nothing.

After what felt like, and probably was, hours of searching, I finally came across this article at

As it turns out, to be able to write to a sqlite file, the folder that it resides in must also be writable. So simple, but so frusterating. I’m going to post this hint in as many spots as I can find now, so hopefully other user’s won’t have to go through as much trouble finding it as I did.


So over the last few months I’ve tried a few times at finding a way to simply add moblogging, a method of bloging from a mobile device such as a cell phone, ability back to my blog. Now, I realize that if I just broke down and got one of those snazzy iPhones, there would be an application I could download and there wouldn’t be an issue, but my lowly Palm Centro works fine for what I’m doing, and doesn’t require me to get an expensive data plan.

At first I tried just using the “Post via E-mail” feature built directly into WordPress, but I couldn’t seem to get this to work. It would log in, check the email, and make a post with the email’s subject line as the title of the post, but there would never be any content in the post. I’ve gone through a few minor updates to WP since first trying this feature, all with the same result, and so I decided to see if I couldn’t find a plug-in that would offer me this feature.

Turns out, I didn’t have to look far before finding Postie. I’ve only done a simple test from gmail -> WordPress, but it seems to work well and offers a lot of features. For instance you can apply categories to the post by including the name of the category in square brackets in the subject line of the email, and it supports attaching of images and files to the blog post. I’ll make sure to tag posts I do like this with a Moblog category, so if you see that starting to get some heavy use, you can safely assume that I’m using this and liking it!