Hey, sorry guys, but it looks like there probably won’t be many updates till I get back home. There just isn’t much internet connectivity while hiking the Inkan trail, getting lost on the jungle, or stopping to help out in cities destroyed by the earthquakes here. It’s been amazing here so far, and we’ve taken […]
Category Archives: Peru
Getting to and Thanksgiving Dinner in Cuzco
Wow, it’s been longer than I thought since I updated this so I might be a little short on details. We woke up around 3:30 packed up our gear and scrammed for the airport. Check-in went fairly smoothly. Walking around the airport was pretty interesting as there were dozens of special handbags laying around with […]
Welcome to Lima!
We´re here! After hanging out in LA for the better part of a week, doing just about anything but planning for this trip, we´re finally here. We left for the airport last night at about 9pm, and things started off about the way we expected they would right from the start. We had our flight […]